Conveners & Participants

Conveners : 

  • Adrien Normier, Aerospace engineer, Airline pilot & PhD candidate in philosophy of science, Sorbonne University, SND. Working on ethics at large scales.
  • David Boulesteix, PhD student in exobiology, working on the identification of life on Titan and Europe (NASA Dragonfly and Europa Lander). LGPM – Centrale- Supélec
  • Dr. Asmaa Boujibar, Assistant professor of planetary science, WWU.


  • Raushan Ali Firaq, Director, Maldives Space Research Organisation, MSRO
  • Dr. Jacques Arnould, CNES Ethics adviser, Philosopher, CNES
  • Dr. Athena Coustenis, Chair, COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection; CNRS, Paris Observatory
  • Valentin Degrange, Research Fellow, IESD, working on Space Law, and Space governance
  • Yéléna Esslinger, Ph.D candidate in space law, sustainability, University of Bordeaux
  • Enock Rutunda, Spring, Ethics Coordinator, The Spring Institute for Forests on the Moon
  • Prof. Dr. Claudius Gros, Physicist, Head of GENESIS, Goethe University Frankfurt
  • Pierre Léna, Professor Emeritus, Observatoire de Paris, PSL
  • Noémie Mazaré, Spring, Ethics Officer, The Spring Institute for Forests on the Moon
  • Oskari Sivula, PhD candidate in Philosophy and Ethics at University of Turku (more on Oskari).
  • Dr. Koji Tachibana, Ethics, Associate professor of philosophy at Chiba University, Japan (more on Koji)
  • Dr. Douglas Vakoch, Head of METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life Organization)

Remote Participation : 

  • Dr. Ian Crawford, Professor, Professor, Birkbeck, University of London BBK.
  • Dr. Jean-Claude Worms Executive Director COSPAR c/o CNES.
  • Niklas Hedman, Vice-Chair, COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection.
  • Dr. George Profitiliotis, Research Scientist, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science
  • Dr. Anders Sandberg, Senior Research Fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute
  • Prof. Dr. Roger Bonnet, Astrophysicist, Honorary Director, ISSI

Film Crew: 

  • Océane Lerouge
  • Cody Ball
  • Owen Cotton-Barratt

Forum hosted by ISSI,  by the Research group on large scale space ethics :