Our interdisciplinary ISSI Forum brings together world-leading experts in space plasma physics and laboratory plasma physics to explore and discuss the synergies between both research strands and scientific communities. Due to the breadth of the realm of plasma physics, these two communities operate very independently and with limited interaction across discipline borders. However, our common interest in the discovery and understanding of fundamental processes in complex plasma systems offers great opportunities for cross-fertilisation and bi-directional exchange of ideas, the exploration of common themes and concepts, as well as the sharing of experience in the application of diagnostic techniques and measurement tools. The central goal of this Forum is to break the community barriers and to open a pathway towards more detailed and larger-scale, synergistic follow-on research projects and collaborations.
The scientific scope of our Forum lies on the physics of fundamental processes that can play a significant role in defining the behaviour of both space and laboratory plasmas. These processes include, amongst others, magnetic reconnection, turbulence and waves, nonequilibrium effects and instabilities, shocks, Coulomb collisions, dynamo effects, and heat conduction.
We will discuss the synergies between both communities by brainstorming over the following Guiding Questions:
Q1. How can laboratory plasma experiments inform our understanding of fundamental space-plasma processes?
Q2. How can space-plasma observations inform the design and interpretation of laboratory plasma experiments?
Q3. Which diagnostic methods and techniques are transferrable between both research communities?